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Acupuncture therapy is a core component of the classical Chinese medical model, developed more than 2000 years ago. The primary role of this integrative medical system is to restore balance to the body (homeostasis of Yin/Yang) to enable healing. Via activating diagnostic-based acupuncture points ('acupoints'), located along the body's intricate system of channels (commonly referred to as 'meridian lines').


According to Chinese medicine theory, each meridian line is related to a specific organ (the 'meridian-organ systems'). 'Qi' (our vital energy), Blood and Fluids flow throughout the body between the organs and along these channels. Smooth flow can be easily impaired by poor lifestyle choices, physical trauma, illness and emotional stress. Ultimately manifesting as disharmony within the body (presenting as imbalances, excesses, deficiencies and pain and di-ease). The acupoints act as a means to alter the flow, strength and quality of the 'Qi-dynamic', Blood and Fluids to promote well-being and vitality.


Acupuncture has a dose-effect relationship, requiring a diagnosis in Chinese medicine to be administered effectively and a sufficient number of treatments to elicit a change. Clinical practice involves the art of inserting incredibly fine, individually packaged (sterile), single-use acupuncture needles gently into the skin. A skilled practitioner will determine which technique(s) may be more efficacious on an individual basis, based on a differential clinical process of diagnosis (inquiry, inspection, palpation, listening and scent), clinical experience and published best-research.





Based on the fundamental principle that all aspects of well-being, physical, emotional and psychological are intrinsically linked. Optimal health is achieved when the body, mind and spirit are in harmony. We focus on addressing the root cause of the issues affecting your health.


​Acupuncture has a dose-effect relationship, requiring a diagnosis in Chinese medicine to be administered effectively and a sufficient number of treatments to elicit a change. Clinical practice involves the art of inserting incredibly fine, individually packaged (sterile), single-use acupuncture needles gently into the skin. Aa a skilled acupuncturist we will determine which technique(s) may be more efficacious on an individual basis, based on a differential clinical process of diagnosis (inquiry, inspection, palpation, listening and scent), clinical experience/relevance and best-evidence published research.

Your First Visit


(Please allow 60-90 minutes)

Please hydrate & eat prior to your appointment time.


Your acupuncturist will take your complete health history (please bring any relevant test, scan &/or bloodwork results). Additional information may be gathered by way of pulse diagnostics, palm evaluation &/or abdominal assessment. For comfort, please wear loose-fitting, casual clothing.


- A diagnosis in Chinese Medicine

- A realistic assessment of how we can help you

- Personalised care plan

- Acupuncture Treatment (where applicable)

- Supplement/herbal as appropriate

- Relevant educational/other support materials

Follow-Up Visits


(Please allow 30-45 minutes)

Please hydrate & eat prior to your appointment time.


Your acupuncturist will take review of your progress. Your treatment/management plan is modified accordingly. Cumulative benefits often seen over a course of treatments are advised to achieve long-term sustainable outcomes. For comfort, please wear loose-fitting, casual clothing.


- Review of current progress

- Review of current direction of

treatment/future plans

- Acupuncture Treatment

- Supplement/herbal as appropriate

- Relevant educational/other support materials



What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a millennia old therapy and core component of the classical Chinese medical model. The primary role of this integrative medical system is to restore balance to the body (homeostasis of Yin/Yang) to enable healing. Via activating diagnostic-based acupuncture points ('acupoints'), located along the body's intricate system of channels (commonly referred to as 'meridian lines'). According to Chinese medicine theory, each meridian line is related to a specific organ (the 'meridian-organ systems'). 'Qi' (our vital energy), Blood and Fluids flow throughout the body between the organs and along these channels. Smooth flow can be easily impaired by poor lifestyle choices, physical trauma, illness and emotional stress. Ultimately manifesting as disharmony within the body (presenting as imbalances, excesses, deficiencies and pain and di-ease). The acupoints act as a means to alter the flow, strength and quality of the 'Qi-dynamic', Blood and Fluids to promote well-being and vitality. Acupuncture has a dose-effect relationship, requiring a diagnosis in Chinese medicine to be administered effectively and a sufficient number of treatments to elicit a change. Clinical practice involves the art of inserting incredibly fine, individually packaged (sterile), single-use acupuncture needles gently into the skin. A skilled practitioner will determine which technique(s) may be more efficacious on an individual basis, based on a differential clinical process of diagnosis (inquiry, inspection, palpation, listening and scent), clinical experience and published best-research.

What is the evidence for acupuncture and what might it help?

"Research into acupuncture as a medical treatment has grown exponentially in the past 20 years, increasing at twice the rate of research into conventional biomedicine. Over this period, there have been over 13,000 studies conducted in 60 countries, including hundreds of meta-analyses summarising the results of thousands of human and animal studies.1 A wide-variety of clinical areas have been studied, including pain, cancer, pregnancy, stroke, mood disorders, sleep disorders and inflammation, to name a few."

Does acupuncture hurt?

The acupuncture needles used at Deare Acupuncture Clinic are hair-thin and inserted gently, providing therapeutic relief without unnecessary discomfort. Administered by a highly experienced, qualified acupuncturist. Everyone experiences acupuncture differently; you may feel a tiny pinch, a slight sensation around the point, or nothing at all. If one area of the body is too sensitive different acupoints can be selected, or an alternative needle-free method can be used to effectively manage your condition. We encourage ongoing communication about your sensations to ensure a most comfortable acupuncture experience.

Treatments are an entirely personalised experience. Specific responses to acupuncture are unique to the individual. Clients often report feeling a sense of calm, deep relaxation, even sleepiness. Whilst others feel more refreshed and energised following a treatment. Rest is ideal after receiving acupuncture therapy; To allow the body to focus on the healing messages it has received. Occasionally symptoms may increase before they improve.

How many treatments will I need & how often (too see results)?

Acupuncture's mode of action is cumulative in effect, meaning a course of treatments is required to achieve optimal results & long-term sustainable outcomes. Frequency / number of treatments is determined by the nature of your condition & individual progress. Regular progress reviews are core to our commitment to providing results-focused care. Acute conditions generally improve more rapidly, while chronic conditions require ongoing support. Initial symptom relief requires 2-3 sessions per week for 3-4 weeks. Continued restorative-care may be required, with treatments being less frequent. Monthly maintenance-care is also recommended, to sustain optimal health and vitality. Most clients on average experience an improvement in their symptoms by the third session. Results are subject to individual response to treatment and adherence to your advised health management plan.

Can acupuncture benefit me if I am not sick?

Yes. We believe prevention is better than the cure, meaning; one shouldn't wait until imbalances in the body manifests as disharmony, pain & dis-ease before seeking treatment. Acupuncture can be utilised as an adjunctive therapy to compliment conventional medicines, which may improve their efficacy. Acupuncture is most effective as a preventative medicine - The benefits of regular treatment may include; reduced stress & inflammation, improved gut health & circulation, increased energy & immunity, balanced hormones & mood. Helping to maintain optimal overall well-being, thereby enhancing quality of life.

What safety & hygiene measures do you have in place?

In Australia, acupuncture is a registered healthcare profession. Regulated by the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA), which is governed by the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (AHPRA). Clinical practice requires a minimum of a 4 year degree in Chinese Medicine, meaning your Deare Acupuncture Clinic Health Professional is a highly qualified practitioner, registered by the same body as medical doctors and who abides by strict industry standards, state and federal health and safety legislative requirements. We use only the highest quality, professional standard products and materials. All medical procedures involve some risk, however the risks with acupuncture are low when performed by a skilled, experienced, qualified practitioner using sterile needles. All practitioners are COVID and seasonally flu vaccinated.

Is dry needling acupuncture?

The theory and practice of dry needling (or 'medical acupuncture') differs significantly from Chinese medicine acupuncture. Classical acupuncture therapy takes a holistic view of health and treats the body as a whole. Whilst the more recently developed technique of dry needling generally targets localised areas of muscle tightness and/or pain. In clinical practice, dry needling involves the direct, repeated insertion of acupuncture needles quickly in and out of myofascial trigger points (muscle 'knots', known as Ahshi points in Chinese medicine) to generate strong stimulation of the muscle (often creating a 'twitch' response) which ultimately encourages the muscle to relax and release. For maximum benefit, acupuncture therapy and dry needling can be used in conjunction with one another, for the therapeutic purpose of enhancing blood flow, relieving muscular pain and restoring musculoskeletal functioning. However, it is important to know who is needling you - dry needling is not a regulated profession; therefore, you should receive treatment from a highly trained, experienced and registered Acupuncturist to ensure the procedure is performed safely, correctly and effectively. A qualified Acupuncturist undergoes a minimum of 4 years training and acquires a detailed knowledge not only of anatomy but also of the channel networks and connections, symptom identification and diagnosis, and advanced needle technique. At Deare Acupuncture Clinic, our practitioners are AHPRA, CMBA and AACMA registered meaning you will receive the full benefits of pain relief combined with energy restoration and wellness through whole-body balancing.



Want to talk longer? Consider booking in for our complimentary 15 minute consultation.



We offer the kind of flexibility and availability of appointment times that clients often need.

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