Acupuncture is a millennia old therapy and core component of the classical Chinese medical model. The primary role of this integrative medical system is to restore balance to the body (homeostasis of Yin/Yang) to enable healing. Via activating diagnostic-based acupuncture points ('acupoints'), located along the body's intricate system of channels (commonly referred to as 'meridian lines').
According to Chinese medicine theory, each meridian line is related to a specific organ (the 'meridian-organ systems'). 'Qi' (our vital energy), Blood and Fluids flow throughout the body between the organs and along these channels. Smooth flow can be easily impaired by poor lifestyle choices, physical trauma, illness and emotional stress. Ultimately manifesting as disharmony within the body (presenting as imbalances, excesses, deficiencies and pain and di-ease). The acupoints act as a means to alter the flow, strength and quality of the 'Qi-dynamic', Blood and Fluids to promote well-being and vitality.
Acupuncture has a dose-effect relationship, requiring a diagnosis in Chinese medicine to be administered effectively and a sufficient number of treatments to elicit a change. Clinical practice involves the art of inserting incredibly fine, individually packaged (sterile), single-use acupuncture needles gently into the skin. A skilled practitioner will determine which technique(s) may be more efficacious on an individual basis, based on a differential clinical process of diagnosis (inquiry, inspection, palpation, listening and scent), clinical experience and published best-research.

"Where there is free flow there is no pain"